May God be with you!
We are not made perfect.... we will never be perfect while in these bodies.
We have been given the perfect sacrifice for our sins, Jesus Christ. He has given us the Sacraments to impart Grace to give us strength. This grace-filled strength helps us to avoid the near occasion of sin and to wipe our new sins away giving us further Grace to follow Christ.
It is exactly because we are imperfect that the Sacraments were given to us.
Baptism - washes away the stain of original sin and ushers us into the Family of God.
Confession - wipes away all sin and gives us Grace to avoid the near occasion of sin. Where sin separates us from God and the Body of Christ, confession unites us, reconciles us with Christ and his Body. It has the special Grace to prepare us to recieve Christ in the Eucharist. We can then become Holy Tabernacles worthy of the reception of Christ in the Eucharist.
Communion - joins us physically and spiritually with Christ. It is food for our soul. It imparts Grace to again strengthen us in Christ.
Confirmation - "regenerizes" the Holy Spirit within us from Baptism. Now as adults we take over our faith and become part of the Church Militant.
Marriage - is a covenantial sacrament which imparts Grace from God to both husband and wife and from husband to wife. It is a mirror of the Trinitarian love between Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Holy Orders - Imparts a special grace to Priests for the power of Christ Jesus to work through them for Him
Annoiting of the Sick - Imparts a special Grace to once again make the soul of the sick clean as in their Baptism - ready to be united with Christ and Heaven.
God bless you!
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