Friday, October 30, 2009

Feast of All Saints - November 1st

The Feast of All Saints is a day to remember those who are in Heaven - our real home. Our brothers and sisters who want nothing more than for us to join them there in time.

My favorite Saint is Saint Anne. I suppose, being a mother, I want my own daughters to grow up to be more than I am as a person and a Christian; Just as Mary became the Mother of God.

I once thought...How can I possible be a Saint? They are so perfect and I am not.

The truth is, the saints are not saints because of their own perfection...far from it. They are Saints because of their imperfections and yet willing to seek forgiveness and with the Grace of God get up and try again.

We are not perfect beings because of the fall. But we can all be made perfect through the love, grace and mercy of Christ!

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