Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Wandering Thoughts...

Having been away from the church during much of Pope John Paul II pontificate I had more emotional ties to Pope Benedict.  I remember feeling how rudderless the Church felt from the time he (Pope Benedict) resigned to the point where we heard those joyful words, "Habemus Papem!" And then I felt it again...the Holy Spirit filling the Church!  Pope Francis with the blessing of God, we were no longer without a shepherd on earth!

And so it is with joy that my Lent is concluding.  Joy and a thoughtfulness of all that Christ has done for us.

I'm in a mood of wandering thoughts today.  My 13 year old daughter is watching The Passion with the rest of her 8th grade class at her Catholic School.  I did give her permission to see this film even though it is rated R for violence.  It is a violence done to Christ and that which we all continue to contribute today. It has opened up more discussions on our own responsibility to the Body of Christ.  The horror of His suffering has opened her eyes to deeper meaning in the Stations of the Cross and the Mass.

Pray for all those who are married today.  This sacrament mirrors the Trinity and the total selfless love that God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit have for each other.  While God is perfection, we are not.  But God will not abandon those who call upon Him.  So pray for your own marriage and for others today.  What we cannot do alone, God will be there to help us reach that perfection He always has had in mind for us.

May the Lord bless you and keep you.

May the Lord's Face shine upon you and be gracious to you.

May the Lord's Countenance look upon you kindly, and give you Peace!

Numbers 6 : 24-26

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